Mike Martindale

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


One of the great surprises of life is to find out that God is pursuing a relationship with you. Too often we read the pages of scripture and their accounts of Bible heroes and mark it down as really good ancient literature or as an exciting story to read our children. And then, we remember that the same God that worked in them, works in us. In fact that is exactly what God tells us:

we also constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.
1 Thessalonians 2:13 nas

And what we find is this: Their Story is also OUR story, but ultimately it is HIStory...the tale of an eternal, loving God working in the lives of men. Join us as we make HIStory at The Heights Fellowship.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Postcard from the Edge

Have you heard all the pundits attempting to pick this year's football winners...in August and September! A lot can happen between now and the season's end. The best any of these "experts" can do is to look at talent and schedule and guess. But one thing we all know for sure is that whatever teams keep their edge are probably going to come out ahead at the end of the season.

Through the Fall, we're using the theme "GameDay" as our direction at The Heights. One of the greatest coaches of all time once said, "Make game day your best day." I believe that's true. And I believe that for the believer, "GameDay" is today...right now...this moment. In the ordinary of the day to day or in he extremity of trying circumstances, we as a church are called to shine, because we as individuals who have been saved, set free, set apart, and set up for victory by Jesus are called to shine (Matt 5:16)

Since our earthly future is tenuous and uncertain, we who know the One who holds eternity are called to pack everything into the moment. A large part of victorious living is winning this moment. God calls that faithfulness, and it's a very, very edgy thing.

Like a championship team, we need to learn how to keep our winning edge. Join us in the moments ahead as we discover what that means. How do we stay in the game? How do we stay useful and available in God's hand? How do we win the moments?

Let's make this game day our best day. Make it your goal this fall to be a part of an awesome community at The Heights Fellowship.