Mike Martindale

Monday, January 11, 2010


The Bible tells us that man's ulitimate pursuit, the biggest blessing he can reap is to KNOW God. And yet, knowing God continues to be one of man's great challenges. He struggles with getting his head around eternity, he can't rise to the mind and thoughts of God. And a lot of folks check it in right there. It would be an impossible task except for one thing: God wants to be known...and more personally, He wants us to know Him.

God isn't Divinity in a vacuum. He is not a Deity on the dodge, ducking behind convenient theologies and religious rituals. He has openly and honestly addressed our human need and desire to know Him. The Bible tells the story of a God longing to be known by His creation. It's pages unfold that story in vivid vignettes. And those pages elicit a bold invitation for you and I to become part of the story.

Join Him this Winter as the family at The Heights Fellowship "steps into the pages" of scripture to meet a God who has always been working, pursuing, inviting, and speaking to our need to know...