It seemed innocent enough. It was a simple observation that led to an even simpler (I thought) solution. My wife said, "I don't like the wall paper in the Dining Room." I said, "Hey, babe! No problem there. Watch me take it off the wall, snapping fingers, just like that."
A few turns of the wall paper remover, a few squirts of water, and little tug here and there and it was done!!!
I hear Vizzini from "The Princess Bride" here: "You'd like to think that wouldn't you!"
Then came the cabinets, the counter tops, the new lighting, the rewiring, the heating and air. Floors, finishes, paint...lots and lots of that. New appliances because the old ones just wouldn't do. And the drywall...always the drywall. It's in the house, in my nose, my eyes, every crevice and orifice. It's even in my dreams. Dear God! Someone make it stop!! :-)
To quote good old Vizzini again: "INCONCEIVABLE!!"
Two years later, we're still at it. We've poured through time and energy and lots of money. Sort of like Columbus, we think we can see the shore, but after this long at sea, we're not certain. Two nights ago, my wife uttered these words, "This project just never seems to end!" We can only hope, sweetheart.
That's the way it is in life, isn't it? A seemingly benign turn...a simple "easy" call. No problem. No worries, right? Then WHAM, you find yourself on a road you didn't plan on. It's always something, isn't it. Maybe it's health, or perhaps its financial. Maybe even your financial health! Or it's your relationships, your job, your kids. Or, maybe you struggle with anxiety, self-doubt, guilt, shame. The burden can be relentless.
Wait a minute, some say. I thought Christians weren't supposed to be anxious! I thought life after Christ was supposed to be a breeze! I mean, the standard answer a Christian is supposed to give when asked, "How's it going?" is "FINE!"
When life isn't fine, how do you deal with it?
Guess what? God's got our backs on this! Really, He does. Listen to Jesus' words in Matthew 11 - "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (28-30 msg)
Give Jesus some props here. He knows about that which He speaks. He's been there.
Come experience the truth of Jesus' yourself as THF looks into its brand new series, "Dealing With It!" You'll be really glad you did.