Mike Martindale

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It's a buzzword we all hear: Connectivity. Now that we, as a culture, are turning our heads toward a new semester as our neighbors, children, or grandchildren head back to school, we must acknowledge there is going to be a lot of connectivity happening. So lets explore the term and see how it fits us
The dictionary's definition is straight forward:
n. pl. con·nec·tiv·i·ties
1. The quality or condition of being connected or connective.

There are two things that jump out immediately -
1) To be CONNECTED. In other words, to be a part of a community. We believe that is a universal need among God's people and an innate human desire. THF believes that we best achieve this through our LIFEGroup ministry. It's our way of letting people naturally associate via affinity (place in life). Our LG, as we call it, meets nine months out of the year (with summers off), and is a great way to meet people, share experiences, find support and encouragement, and really immerse into a genuinely loving, accepting culture.

2) Be CONNECTIVE. As a friend of mine often says: be amenable.  Over the past decade, our experience at THF has shown us that we've had thousands of visitors come check out THF and our "deliberately different" paradigm. Many of them stayed and invested their lives, but a lot moved on. There is one element we see over and over: if a person doesn't "connect" with the THF Family, he or she moves on to another community (or even gives up) within about 12-18 months. It's a sad, but true, reality.
THF begins a new season of LIFEGroup ministry in just a few weeks. Sign ups begin the end of August and the LIFEGroup season begins in mid-September. Are you looking for a really dynamic comminity? Are you wanting to "plug-in?" Are you connective? Here is a great opportunity to explore. You can follow this link and and jump directly to our LG page.
Or, stop by the THF Mall some Sunday morning between now and September and see for yourself.
Acts 2:42-43!
Pastor Mike